匿名 文爱 app HiNet WebMail 系統公告


匿名 文爱 app HiNet WebMail 系統公告

发布日期:2024-10-04 19:06    点击次数:195

匿名 文爱 app HiNet WebMail 系統公告


公告時間:102/03/05 親愛的客戶您好:近期發現仍有东说念主 假冒HiNet系統处置者或中華電信的名義匿名 文爱 app,發送釣魚詐騙信件(近期舉報釣魚信件參考)。釣魚信件频繁是為了眩惑收件者開啟信件的附檔或點選連結。信件內容可能是:

因為系統升級、切換等成分,条件客戶輸入帳號密碼以快活繼續使用郵件服務。 建議客戶為了資訊安全,更換信箱密碼。如果點選信件中的網頁連結,則會開啟釣魚網頁(偽裝官方網站的假網頁),部分釣魚網頁的樣式和HiNet網頁郵件十分類似,讓客戶誤以為是官方網頁並輸入郵件帳號、密碼。 此類型的釣魚網頁,主若是為了竊取客戶的帳號密碼,以進行其他坐法或詐騙行為。 請客戶下載檔案附件,而趁機在其電腦內安裝病毒、木馬。建議您不要開啟生分寄件者的信件附檔或點選信件內文連結,保護個东说念主資訊與電腦安全。 為了保護個东说念主資訊安全,卡通动漫也建議您經常變更郵件信箱密碼,從HiNet網頁郵件登入檢查轉寄檔設定資料是否正確、安裝電腦防毒軟體並更新病毒碼。如果對於收到的系統告知信有疑慮,可至HiNet網頁郵件的系統公告頁查詢是否有相關資訊,或致電客服0800-080-123詢問。 祝您 身體健康 萬事如意中華電信 敬上客服專線: 0800-080-123 Dear Customers,Recently, there are phishing mails sent to our customers which purported to be from HiNet system administrator. Phishing mails are purposed to lead receivers to click links or execute attachments in the mail. Typical phishing mails contain some misleading instructions, such as, asking users to enter account/password in a fake website for agreement of continuation of usage after system upgrade, asking users to reset/change password by clicking links in the mail, which is a phishing site or a fake official website purposed to steal users' account/password, and urging users to download/execute attachments in the mail, which are infected with malware.

For your information safety, please do not open suspicious mails, and do not click links or execute attachments within. Moreover, we recommend you to change your password regularly, verify your email forwarding setting on HiNet Webmail if containing suspicious addresses, and install an anti-virus software that its virus patterns are up-to-date. If you receive any unsolicited mails asking for your account/password, please refer to HiNet Webmail system notice pages, or give a call to 0800-080-412 for further verification. Sincerely yours,Chunghwa TelecomCustomer Service TEL: 0800-080-123